22 June 2022No Comments

Warum hart, wenn’s auch sanft geht – Das Dampfbad für die Vulva

Im Schwangerschaftsyoga kommt oft diese Frage zur mechanischen Geburtsvorbereitung: Dammmassage oder Epino? Beide Optionen sollen den Weg für eine Vaginalgeburt vorebnen. Ich empfinde vor allem Epino als zu invasiv und zu intensiv. Überhaupt will frau ab Schwangerschaftswoche 36 ja einfach ihre Ruhe haben.

Gleichzeitig haben wir aber alle das Mindset mitbekommen, dass härter und qualvoll auch effektiver und schneller bedeutet. Wir suchen geradezu die Grenzerfahrung.

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24 December 2021No Comments

I touch myself. Do you?

Especially for women, but for everybody really, it’s imperative that we check in with our bodies. By the way, with our minds as well. How is that going to happen if we don’t have a way of establishing contact? Whether we do it digitally, visually or by cultivating a regular physical or mindfulness practice, we must enter communication with our body - all parts of it. How else will we notice changes? How else can we become literate in the language of our body and intimate with ourselves?

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11 January 2019No Comments

Setting sail

I noticed myself constantly reaching for something: coffee, sweets, social media, the odd glass of wine on a weeknight, and Netflix. While none of these self-soothing strategies sound particularly alarming, the frequency with which I was applying them was bothering me. I may not be addicted to caffeine or alcohol. But to some extent I was using these coping strategies to alleviate the pain of good bye.

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10 June 2018No Comments

The baby mirror – how they pick up on your vibe

Have you ever wondered why we intuitively sing to our babies? And why it seems to calm them down? In order to produce a melody, we have to steady our breath. You can't sing if you're winded. Calming our breath automatically soothes our nervous system. When we are calm, our babies mirror that state. I know, this sounds like one of those touchy-feely statements. If you're the scientific type and don't believe in subtle energies, you're probably rolling your eyes right now. But this is not just the hormonal mom in me talking. Maybe babies are proof that subtle energy is real.

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All rights reserved | AGB| Kontakt & Newsletter

© Copyrights 2022-2023 | Elisa Malinverni | All rights reserved | AGB | Kontakt & Newsletter

© Copyrights 2022-2023 | Elisa Malinverni
All rights reserved | AGB | Kontakt & Newsletter